+3 votes
in Science & Technology ⚡ by
Orkut was one the first social networking site which was started on January 24, 2004 and closed On June 30, 2014 due to the low users. Do you think the same thing can happen to Facebook in the future?


11 Answers

+5 votes
No, by
It doesn´t feel like that. Not for a long time atleast.
+6 votes
No, by
I highly doubt it. I never use it but I know many who live by it. I think it's too big and well known to just shut the doors. But I could be wrong as I've seen other sites and such just suddenly close.
+5 votes
No, by
facebook is too popular and is deeply ingrained in society. (haven't  you noticed when you watch the news or something, they always say "follow us on facebook and twitter"?).. i've even seen pizza boxes with facebook's logo on the side.
+3 votes
No, by
I do not believe it can happen.
+3 votes
No, by
Looking at the figures, the drop in numbers in the states must have contributed....FB will outlast most sites as there are so many ways of using the site
+4 votes
Yes, by
Not anytime soon though
0 votes
No, by

I think Facebook has too many members, so, it will not shut down.

0 votes

Probably not.

Orkut was not the first social networking site.  Friendster was a couple years before it.  Sixdegrees started in 96 or 97.  Before that we had web hosts like Geocities that were where it all started.

+1 vote
Yes, by

we can only hope...

+1 vote
Yes, by

yes - myspace was hot for a while and it still exists but no one goes there anymore sodahead closed its doors to logins and just went for polls and FB is starting to interfere with our lives and we wont stand for big brother mark censoring us all the time

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