+5 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

7 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
When people wear their pajamas out in public. It doesn't look good it doesn't look cute, it just looks sloppy.
+7 votes

I just came in from shoveling the driveway...there was about an inch of thick wet slush...

I don't want it to freeze tonight!

I hate it when somebody walks or drives on the snow that I have to shovel, That packs it down and makes it ten times harder for me to remove it. 

I agree with that!!!
+7 votes
Text typing on forums such as these. U no wat i mean
+6 votes
if im at a party or gathering and someone offers me a seat and is pushy about it.. i friggen hate that so much, if i wanted to sit i would.. and with my bad hip and spinal issues.. sometimes its easier just to stand then sit..

i hate being offered a seat or being told to sit down in general. that is my biggest pet peeve.
+6 votes
Letting someone cut in and them not thanking you....
+3 votes
Lately, it is the really poor customer service - lol.
+1 vote

People spitting on sidewalks.

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