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I commend The Washington Post.  

+1 vote

They endorsed Hillary?!  I'm shocked, SHOCKED! :D:D:D

"We are not blind to those [Hillary's flaws]. Ms. Clinton is inclined to circle the wagons and withhold information, from the closed meetings of her health-care panel in 1993 to the Whitewater affair, from the ostensibly personal emails she destroyed on her own say-so after leaving the State Department to her reluctance to disclose her pneumonia last month. Further, she and her husband, former president Bill Clinton, are not the first to cash in on the speech circuit, but they have done so on an unprecedented and unseemly scale. And no one will accuse Ms. Clinton of an excess of charisma: She has neither the eloquence of President Obama nor the folksy charm of former president George W. Bush or, for that matter, her husband."

Hmm... the "independent newspaper" mentions not a word about all her dirty linen that has been coming out on WikiLeaks.  Not blind...?  :D


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