+1 vote
in Politics & Government ✌ by

No, I'm not.  Why was our government so incompetent as to permit all these hacks in the first place, whether by Russia or anyone else?  What OTHER secrets have our adversaries accessed?

I'm sure Putin is trembling in his boots. :D

2 Answers

+1 vote

I guess everything is good now and we are all safe. We don't have a clue as to what others have gotten into. We do it also but some are better than others. I feel safer now just know Joe is helping us. Comrade.


We can all rest easy, knowing that Uncle Joe is going to give Putin what for.

If Uncle Joe can find the on/off switch on his computer, that is. 

0 votes

Too little, too late. Why was our government so slow in discovering who was hacking.


@ dru:

Probably because our government was so incompetent as to permit the hacks in the first place.

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