+3 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

I talk to this one lady and we were once very close and I still talk to her now and again and anytime I say anything about her moods or something, it's always my fault or temper when I've hardly said two words. Am I always wrong ? :angel:

11 Answers

+6 votes

I don't think women are always right, Rooster!

I was wrong once... let's see... when was it? ... about 15 years ago.  :D


:D I expected you to answer this !  :D


Of courseModesty is the best policy, I always say.  :angel: :D



Hitman told me that you were a spicy one ! LOLOLOL !   :D


LOL!  The Cowardly Cowpoke didn't appreciate the spice:D

He hasn't been seen since the election.  :)


Lol - :O:angel::D!


@ Marianne:  :angel:



Lol ....

+8 votes

Didn't you read the back of your Man Card? It specifically states:

  • NEVER talk to a woman about her moods
  • Let her believe that she is ALWAYS right
  • Her butt NEVER looks big in those pants
  • Never buy her a gift that needs to be plugged in

Love that third one. :D


You've just gotta do these things to survive.



 The same applies in the other sense. :D:D

To survive:
+6 votes

Yes they are always right!! I have been married 47 years, and I am telling you this from experience.  LOL

+6 votes

I hope you didn't stir up a hornet nest! LOL! No I don't think they're ALWAYS right, but what I've learned through the years is that when my wife gets a certain fiery glare in her eyes, it's best to bite the bullet and walk away. 

+5 votes

I've known people like that, Rooster, including men. You can't win, no matter what you do. Yoiu're more patient that I am but I don't waste much time on them. 

But your question reminded me of an old joke that single men belong to the genus homo sapiens  but when they fall in love they become homo sap. 


@ Didge:

Naah... falling in love just made a previously-existing condition manifest.  :D



Lol - sap reminds too much of the vital fluid of plants - or of the verb used for undermining - among other definitions, but not of stupid.

How about Homo stultus? Or do you prefer Homo caecus - and that applies for both genders (Love is, usually blind, and might even be considered as a state of sickness) ...

But T(h)ink's theory about a previously existing condition (a disease, a weak point or a flaw?) could also apply.



Lol - you will be amazed; right now, on the radio, they are discussing about various start-up ventures in the insect food sector - from breeding or production to processing, treating, conditioning and gastronomy.

But I have also sad news:

The Christmas market in Berlin has been attacked:


the already "delicate" situation between Russia and Turkey might degenerate


and there's only a little solace - a ghost shark or chimaera filmed alive:




@ Marianne:

Yes, again the terrorists struck.  

I think die Kanzlerin will have a hard time staying in office, after everything that has happened in Germany this year.



She seems to have been remarkably popular although that popularity is running downhill very quickly. She's been exceptional but unless she can do a Maggie Thatcher and start a war, her time is passing.


@ Didge:

Given German history, starting a war is not an option for her, unless Putin is stupid enough to do her the favor.



Yes, it reminds of Nice; here's some information:


:angry: - it is sickening.


@ Marianne:

From the article:  "Beware: He could be violent and armed!"

The understatement of the year.  :O


Oh yes, I saw such comments often enough.

I'd rather not tell certain thoughts ... :O


@ Marianne:

I don't blame you. 

There would have been far safer ways to help the refugees, without putting so many Europeans at risk, and indeed costing so many their lives.  :angry:


Well, we'd rather remain factual: the police officers seem to have become, somehow, "trigger-happy", even if they are not really happy about that. The killer was shot in Milan.


@ Marianne:

Yes, but only after he shot and wounded a police officer, at least according to reports received here.


@ Marianne:

And now Kanzlerin Merkel wants to send some of the 'refugees' that she let in back!

And a few weeks ago, she said she wanted to ban the wearing of burkas in public, as much as possible under German law.

It must be election season.  It would be funny if it weren't so tragic.  :angry:


I did.


In the second clip, Kanzlerin Merkel says (in my translation), between 1:33 and 1:55, regarding her discussions with the Tunisian president about dealing with terrorism:

"Also, in the for us very important question of repatriation* of Tunisian citizens who have no residence rights in Germany, we have made progress this year. I told the President that we must indeed markedly accelerate and further increase the number of repatriates*."

* She used excessively mild, PC words.  She should have said deportation and deportees. The Tunisians to which she refers are illegals.  :ermm:


Lol - I would rather say that the words may sound excessively mild, but deportation, as much as sanctions or punishments will hurt all the same.



Yes, but it is obvious that if there hadn't been any acts of terrorism this past year in Germany, she wouldn't be "repatriating" anyone.  She is bending to political pressure, and putting out some window dressing.  I read that a majority of members of every political party except the Greens want a firm cap on Muslim immigration, even Die Linke (!).

And she said in her speech above that the primary responsibility of government is the safety of its citizens. She should have thought of that years ago. :O


I am afraid that the European (or Brussels) "open-door" policy and the globalisation imperatives focused too much on economic goals and not enough on people, or also too much on foreign policy and economic issues. And Germany has a heavy past ...



Yes, but like any politician in an awkward situation, she is now speaking out of both sides of her mouth.  :ermm:

Actually, she has been doing so for over a year.



Of course, but if we look back into ancient and more recent history, a great majority of politicians "changed" or adapted their "course", when goals could not be reached.


Of course, that's how they stayed in power. If they did stay in power, that is.

The American Democrats (among others) got a nasty shock in that regard.  :O

+5 votes

Of course we are right unless we say different!


Lol - :D.

+3 votes

Of course not. Don't worry. :)

Sometimes, we may see some people (even good old friends) at the wrong moment, when they are grumpy. After all, we cannot read what's going on in their mind, and there are still many untold things we do not know, even if we are convinced to know them well.

There are also misunderstandings, awkward situations and jokes, and accidents.

And last but not least: there are quite a few "Mr. Right" or "Mrs. Right" in this world, whether "periodically" or chronically. :O



And - just in case:



+4 votes

No, you're not wrong, but when the only defense men have that can actually be employed when dealing with a verbally combative woman is, "Yes, dear"; it rather puts us at a disadvantage.

+5 votes

When are you going to learn to stay away from that woman, Dad? Been nothing but trouble for you. Start dating Brandi again. She's a sweetheart from what we could tell when you introduced us. Not all women are like that. Look at this ! A son giving advice to his Dad about women! Ha !

+2 votes

Why do men always make ridiculous generalizations?

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