+3 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

How to fall asleep in 2 minutes or less.


I have a better way: go to the Blurtit website and start reading.  :)

2 Answers

+2 votes

Not a problem I have, so I'm good there. Only times I'm up all night is when I'm working on a game or playing one online. That's why I haven't been here the last day or so. We just released a new one.

I could mention another site that is just about as boring as I stayed on it two days and quit. Supposed to be for people 18 and older but looks like Disney world. Totally lame.


There seem to be a number of sites like that out there.  :(

+2 votes

Falling asleep has never been a problem with me, O'Tink...however I enjoyed the article! And SO glad my outdated computer can still open links called "artofmanliness"...:D


Yes, Virginia, they have a lot of cool stuff on "artofmanliness", like detailed instructions on how to pick locks. :O :ermm: :angel: :) :D


Oh no! NOT what I would ordinarily consider manliness, although I suppose anything can be done artfully...

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