+2 votes
in Society & Culture by
Do you think that the gay men can adopt children?

11 Answers

+2 votes
Yes, by
Yeah absolutely.
+2 votes

Most certainly.

+2 votes
Yes, by
no brainer
0 votes
No, by
I do not quite agree.
The child may suffer preconception
+2 votes
No, by
its quite iffy. i think children need love and affection from both a mom and a dad (but than again, there are a lot of single parents out there), and the kid might get teased and bullied at school for having same sex parents..

my feelings towards the situation is mutual... whatever makes the same sex couple happy.. they should be able to adopt if they wanted too. its really none if my buisness if they chose to adopt or not.
+2 votes
It's not for me to agree or disagree.
+3 votes
Can they adopt? Sure. Should they? Sure. There are too many kids out there that need homes if only someone would step up and adopt them. Love is love, no matter what the color or sexual orientation.
+3 votes
Can they? Yes. Should they? Not necessarily. (In all fairness, I also don't think many straight couples should be allowed to have children either)
0 votes
Yes, by

Gay couples should be able to adopt children.

+1 vote
No, by

Nope, I believe in the balance of a mother and father.  Save your "what if" scenario's if you don't like my answer.  I'm not interested.

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