+6 votes
in Doubts by

our new profile design looks like our old sodahead profiles :D Thanks Dan!! i can only imagine that it will get even more improvements over time :)

Thats good!! 7 votes, 70%
im glad too 3 votes, 30%
undecided 0 votes

6 Answers

+5 votes

Thanks Skunky. All credits goes to the developers who worked hard. Now the problem is the profile page is not mobile friendly.

you're welcome :D. and thanks developers :)

With the answered questions, the button that says "More" it just takes you to another page when you click on it. it would be cool if it would work like how it did on sodahead :D
I assume that Dan'll make that work eventually
+4 votes
Thats good!!, by

Thank you so much for making this site!  I am so happy!

+3 votes
Thats good!!, by

Everything seems pretty cool so far.

+1 vote
Thats good!!, by
+3 votes
Thats good!!, by

I'm ba-ack!


+2 votes
im glad too, by

And a big thank you to all those who are devoting themselves!


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