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in Arts & Humanities by

ObamaCare smashed onto the scene like a bull in a china factory. Based upon Executive lies (and Congressional lies, too), nothing about it is straightforward and honest. Even Obama admitted publicly that he withheld the true information about: keeping your insurance company; keeping your doctor; and, saving $2,500 dollars per family, because the truth, he said, would have cost him the 2012 election. (Besides, ObamaCare architect, Jonathan Gruber, told Obama to lie because, "Americans are too stupid to remember"!) If you or I did the same thing to CAUSE people to adopt a false premise, we'd go directly to jail for fraud, for a VERY LONG TIME. Obama, however, stole another 4 disastrous years in Washington, DC. Humorously (you have to laugh not to cry), Congressional Representatives made a BIG DEAL about how they were ALL going on ObamaCare. THEN WE FOUND OUT ABOUT THEIR 70% SUBSIDY and $174,000/yr base salary. Get these crooks out of Washington, whether Demlicans or Republocrats. YES, you BET it still makes a BIG difference to honest people. NOT THIS GUY!image

I don't care, because
What else is NEW in DC, huh?
ObamaCare is wonderful because
I think...

3 Answers

+1 vote
I think..., by

The Washington Nomenklatura will always grant itself privileges.   After all, its members are more equal than the unthinking Proletariat that keeps them in power.



Bless you, TheOtherTink!!!


Thank you!  :)

+1 vote



I'm with YOU, Gun!



Thanks for the photobucket "rave", Gun!


Hey, I made that rave. 

0 votes
I think..., by

The Affordable Care Act has some big problems but I work in the financial department of a hospital and see it do a lot of good for people everyday. We have people without insurance who can't afford a private plan, can't get it through their employer, and are overqualified for Medicaid--that means these families have to pay out of pocket for any healthcare they get. One small visit to a hospital can be a year's wages for some people, and if we can get them some help through a Marketplace plan rather than watch them be totally ruined then I'm all for it.

By the way, there are a ton of different Marketplace plans and if you want to keep your doctor you just have to pick the right plan. As for Congress everyone should have known better. Government employees are covered by a special Blue Cross plan.

Your problem isn't President Obama, although it seems you want to blame him. The problem is the Hospitals and insurance companies, both of which keep trying to find new ways to squeeze the other.


"AS FOR CONGRESS, WE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER"? And you're NOT joking! You really drank ALL the kool aid, I'm afraid, or I'm just as stupid as you imply! 

I wish I'd see that "good" in the hospital I use! ObamaCare is helping to destroy the American Middle Class in a huge, formerly concealed, way, to wit: ENORMOUSLY INFLATED PREMIUMS AND DEDUCTIBLES! The average Middle Class family of 4 now must direct $30,000 per year (on average) OF FORMERLY DISPOSABLE INCOME, toward potentially paying PREMIUMS AND DEDUCTIBLES UNDER OBAMACARE. Certainly, the VERY POOR and VERY WEALTHY are immune, due to subsidies and excess cash, respectively. It is little wonder someone working in the financial department of a hospital would think all was well and good! If ObamaCare IS so great, why did Obama have to lie and twist arms and jam it down our throats? How much money does your hospital get paid by ObamaCare, directly? The Truth will set us FREE! CAN YOU SAY, "EXPEDITE THE DESTRUCTION OF THE AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS THROUGH OBAMACARE AND OTHER SCHEMES?" Read Saul D. Alinsky's, "Rules for Radicals" (although I bet you already have). Anyone who hasn't and who wants to understand Obama's desire to smash the American Middle Class (which, incidentally, is steeply declining since Obama came to Washington), read Alinsky's dissertation about: the ends justify the means; no morals: right or wrong; NO religious dogma; and, how to destroy the Middle Class and take over a country! Not surprisingly, socialized medicine and enormous debt ($19 trillion deficit spending), crown the list of Progressive radical communist leftists, of which Obama is one and has never said he isn't. If you want to know what WE REALLY SHOULD HAVE UNDERSTOOD, it's not that Congress was lying, IT'S THAT OBAMA NEVER TELLS THE TRUTH. He is a covert plant! 


@ ajmsituation:  Were you educated in the Gruber school of economics; i.e., the ends justify the means? (not that the ends are anything to crow about)


Thank you for that wonderful, salient reply, and adding that very important and impressive video. Since Obama agrees with Gruber that, "Americans are too stupid to remember Obama's lies", it is our Patriotic duty to be sure every American NEVER FORGETS OBAMA'S HOGWASH! 


You're welcome. Tee.  This administration is a corrupt disgrace.


NO ARGUMENT HERE and I hear MAObama has launched his loser, grand finale', of anti-United States ploys. Like closing Guantanamo Bay, giving the land to Castro, and moving the terrorists who remain, even AFTER all of MAObama's ongoing efforts to free them, (like trading 5 of the highest ranking Islamofascist terrorists for the return of United States' TRAITOR, BOWE BERGDAHL  ":May 31, 2014 ... The five Guantanamo detainees released by the Obama administration in exchange for...Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, are bad guys. ... [MAObama] was willing to pay a steep price, indeed, for Bergdahl's freedom. ... Taliban 5 were some of the worst outlaws..."! Please see, http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/05/31/us-pays-high-price-for-last-pow-in-afghanistan.html ))). MAObama wants to bring the remaining terrorists onto US soil, in US prisons, where they might get Constitutional rights and would be free to indoctrinate other, UNITED STATES & possibly ILLEGAL ALIEN criminals, (who now inhabit over 1/3 of the entire felony prisoner spaces in the United States' prison $y$tem), already arrested for major crimes and serving long sentences. BONG! Everything MAObama does from now until January 19, 2017, will be aimed at HURTING the US as much as he can. Obama, never held a job, was brought-up like a spoiled white brat, heavily into drugs, especially marijuana (HE wrote about it in his autobiographies). (Also, that HE "CHOSE" HIS black persona). Obama is genetically, reportedly, 50% Caucasian, 40+% ARAB, & LESS THAN 6% BLACK and he did not start "PUSHING" his "RADICAL, BAD BOY, PUT UPON POOR AFRICAN AMERICAN PERSONA", until he saw how much respect it garnered from white radical fools at Columbia University and Harvard Law School. Hey, they elected him Editor of the Harvard Law Journal, one of the most prestigious positions in all legal academia, and he NEVER even published an article that anyone can discover and did not hold himself out as a role model for black youths, who would have benefitted greatly from such a character. Obama was always FOR OBAMA and BY OBAMA and no one else mattered, OUTSIDE his narcissistic, sociopathic, PRISON!  (Almost all of the foregoing facts were discussed by Rush Limbaugh on his excellent, informative, no nonsense, radio program [2-23-16];although, some are somewhat embellished upon, which should be obvious!) Those who COULD STOP MAObama, don't, WHY? FOLLOW THE MONEY FROM THE MAOBAMA REGIME'S HANDS! It is THAT simple.


Yes, follow the money, but I think there has been a great deal of Political Correctness going on too.


No argument here, Tink!

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