+2 votes
in Arts & Humanities by

Mine would be somewhere between 1978-1983, as those years were the years I spent travelling around the world and to make things better, I married in 1981 and had my first son two years later. Also, the music back then was way better than those of today.

5 Answers

+1 vote

Most likely when I was a child during the 50's.  I remember movies were only a quarter, every Saturday morning was Howdy Doody, and I made sure that I was the first one on the block with a Hula Hoop.


Exactly. And the music back then was much better than those of today. As you know, there was nearly no tune in today's music, only banging and clapping while music back in those days have a rather catchy melody throughout the song.

+1 vote

From when I was about 12, and still continue.

+1 vote

Actually, no time in my life was "golden", but the best years of my life were likely during the 1980s when I was a child and had many more good times than bad times (in contrast to today).

+1 vote

2003 - 2008

0 votes

Hard to say, as no time in my life had at least some down falls. Either some times, during High School, more so, Grades 9 and 10 or when I had a quarter life crisis (before things got bad, due to my actions).

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