+3 votes
in Suggestions by

She can log in and such but can't vote or answer anything. I put a message on his wall post but if anyone can message him? Please do. Thank you.

please let Dan know that I am no longer able to use his Q/A site? I can open the page, and I am still logged in, but as of this morning I can no longer post anything. I cannot vote either. 

3 Answers

+2 votes

She seems to be on right now.  (12:50, EDT)


@Tink : She can log on but can't do anything else. Beats me!


@ Rooster,

Oops, I should have read your post more carefully.  I don't know what's going on either, nor do I know how to contact Dan directly.

+2 votes

I do not know what it is.

+1 vote

Hi Rooster, I'm here.

I didn't make any changes recently except one. Redirected ihavesolved.com to www.ihavesolved.com on 31th last month. ihavesolved.com and www.ihavesolved.com are the same websites but if you are previously using www.ihavesolved.com and switch to (without www) ihavesolved.com then you have to log in again, vice versa.

I thought this is the reason for the login issues (people have to log in again and again but I'm not sure).

Now I have removed ihavesolved.com redirect to www.ihavesolved.com. She can try "without www." version if "with www." version has a problem, vice versa. If both didn't work then tell me.


Hi Dan, it is now 10:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time, USA, and I can now vote. So if this message is able to post, then I am back in business, thank you.


Are you on www.ihavesolve.com or (non-www.) ihavesolved.com


Dan, here is the link for this question, I just copied it off so you could see. I did not change anything, I just came on as usual this evening, and things seemed to be working again.



QDan: I remember having a problem with that when you first started the site. I'll go back to www.ihavesolved from now on.  THANK YOU for always helping out. Some people that run other sites could take some lessons from you! :)

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