+2 votes
in Wrestling by

Even if they are women mentally, they are men physically.

4 Answers

+3 votes

We actually need to call transgender sports out for what it really is......total b.s.  Men invading women's sports pools or vice versa.  It's total shit, but no one has the courage to call it what it is.  One day, I hope someone has the courage to speak out to this travesty. 

+4 votes

To the transgender "women" and the idiots who support this nonsense:

1. Hormone shots do not make you a woman.

2. An operation does not make you a woman.

3. Only XX chromosomes make you a woman.

4. And perhaps some psychiatric treatment would help you stop imagining you are a woman.


BINGO!  Winner in Aisle 3


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It is true.

+1 vote

All I can say is that this is total bullshit!!!!!!

I totally agree with Tink's answer!

+1 vote

No. Man is man, woman is woman.

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