+2 votes
in Movies by

For instance, many movies that display nudity, even in non-sexual scenes, are often slapped with very strong ratings.  Typically, though not always, movies with even non-sexual nudity are often rated...


Yet, movies that depict violence are often given lower ratings than those with nudity.  Although movies with strong/graphic violence (especially with gore) are often rated R, many movies with strong violence (though with little or no gore) are usually rated...


Consider the Jurassic Park films.  They have some strong violence (especially the most recent film, Jurassic World)...and yet, they are rated PG-13.  It seems movies with strong violence are okay for teenagers while movies with nudity are restricted to adults, even in movies where nudity is not sexual in scenes (not very often, but some movies have non-sexual nudity).

2 Answers

+1 vote

Some movies are not rated fairly.  Perhaps some big studios put up big money to get a movie rated PG-13 when it should have been rated "R."  I remember there was plenty of controversy when "The King's Speech" was slapped with a "R" rating because a certain cuss word was uttered more than once.

+1 vote

There are quite a few excellent movies, which did not seem not to have been rated fairly, and many did not need to have violent or nude scenes to be "left aside" or "forgotten". But, with or without fishy strategies, it is difficult to foresee how people or experts will rate the quality of movies, their plots, stars, views, sound, etc., as trends, fashion, business, propaganda and politics can have a significant influence, and, last but not least, tastes, colours, and the moods can differ much from one person to the other and from one day to the other. But cheating and unfair methods are as old as humanity.

The public, judges, voters, etc., must often face difficult choices:


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