+2 votes
in Smartphones by
Cell phones comes with both removable battery as well as the non removable battery. Which one do you prefer in your mobile and what is the reason?
Mobile Phone with Removable Battery
Mobile Phone with Non-Removable Battery

5 Answers

+4 votes
Mobile Phone with Removable Battery, by
I don't PREFER a non-removable battery, but since I prefer to use an iPhone, I kinda don't have a choice.
+3 votes
Mobile Phone with Removable Battery, by

Non-removable battery is a deal breaker. Not being able to replace my own battery is nothing more than being ripped off IMHO.  Plus sometimes I may want to disable my phone completely and that means having to take the battery out.

Non removable batteries are a scam.

0 votes
Mobile Phone with Removable Battery, by

  • Removable battery is good if the mobile has freezed or hanged, just remove and insert the battery and the problem will be solved.
  • We can also carry secondary batteries as a backup, but I usually use powerbank.
+3 votes
Mobile Phone with Removable Battery, by

Every battery should be replaceable.  Logic alone dictates.  Landfills bursting at the seams also.

0 votes


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