+3 votes
in Health by


8 Answers

+2 votes


+1 vote

I don't really care. My current GP is male.  The one before him was female. The major selling points for me are "does s/he take cash," and "is s/he good."

+2 votes

Yes, and it has nothing to do with sexuality at all, either for my doctor or myself.

I want a doctor who owns the same equipment, so they know for sure what I'm talking about. Gender health is specific and beyond the scope of just the reproductive system.

+2 votes

Doesn't matter to me

+1 vote

my husband is a physician, so he does my exams, and they are done with no regard for my dignity or privacy 

+1 vote

Yes I do.

0 votes

I might be the only girl on earth that has never been examined (officially) by a female doctor.

Besides my husband, I've been examined or attended by 3 other doctors all male..

A car wreck,  I spent the night in the hospital after almost asphixiating.  Male though many of the nurses were female, but I do have to say I was unconscious for 6 hours, it is possable a female doctor looked me over while I was out. I had a urethral catheter, so someone was up there without my knowledge...

Emergency room for a respitory infection- male doctor, a female nurse was in attendance when he checked me over.

When I was 13 I needed to get a physical for summer camp. My parents used a doctor that goes to thier church.. A female nurse was also in attendance , but it was very awkward going to church knowing that guy saw me nude and had his hands on me.. Everytime he looked at me, there was almost this smile he would throw my way as if to say "yeah, I saw it" 

Even the dentist that put on/off my braces was male...

0 votes

As long as they know what they're doing, their plumbing is irrelevant.  

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