+1 vote
in Health by

5 Answers

+2 votes

I believe that doctors are too ready to give out prescription painkillers before seeing whether something over-the-counter will work.  I realize that everyone has a different threshhold for pain, and there are times when prescriptions are needed, but many times, OTC meds will work.  You can always go to the stronger stuff if they don't. 



+1 vote

Maybe for some people. I've had Rxs for several opiate pain killers... short-term, but I never opened the gate. I do know more than a few who've made it their life's mission to be under the influence of opiates. This means buying pills on the streets, once they've been cut off. I haven't known any, personally, that have resorted to heroin use, but I think they would, given the opportunity.

It's such a stupid way to die, because the living still have to put up with the doomed user.

+2 votes

I don't know if you can call them gateway drugs, they seem to be the drugs of choice now days.

More people die of prescription drug overdoses than all other toxins combined..

+1 vote

Yes, that's basically what drives real addicts to the streets looking to maintenance their addictions.

+1 vote

No. All that is happening right now is punishment for those truly experiencing pain by tightly controlling pain meds.

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