+2 votes
in Pets by

4 Answers

+2 votes

The first and only pet I had was named "Fiona" (until I later learned it was a male instead of a female...should have been given a male name).  I miss it, but I had trouble taking care of it, especially the day when I decided to let it out of its cage and hold it.  That mistake cost it its life and me quite a bit of panic.  When I tried to hold it, it ran up my arm too quickly and I flinched very fast, which resulted in it sailing into the air and landing several feet away.  It later died and we (my family and I) buried it.  After the loss of my first and only pet, I had vowed never again to own a pet and make the same mistake again.


I miss you, "Fiona" (or, whatever your real name should have been). :'( 

+1 vote

"BoBo" for a cocker spaniel.

0 votes

Stampe which I named a rabbit and I took the name from a Disney character in Bambi which in English would be Trumper, so I took it from that rabbit in the movie.

0 votes

a fish which I named fish ... I know... I was very creative ;)

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