+7 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

11 Answers

+9 votes
Not personally. Few people actually follow through on their resolution but for those who do it can easily be a life-changing thing to do.
+9 votes
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Nah, not for me. I cheat at everything.
+8 votes
I believe they're a way for people to feel like they're going to make a change in their lives when they aren't. lol
+7 votes
No, by
I've never made a New Years Resolution, but if you want to go for it.
+4 votes
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Most of the times not if I know it will be almost too hard to keep them. But if it´s something smaller like getting healthier I can keep it.
+3 votes
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I used to make them years ago, but that never worked out and not made any for years....
+5 votes
If you want to do something, you'll do it. You don't need to vocalize a promise to do so.
+3 votes
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I quit smoking on Jan. 1st, 1975,   Cold Turkey.

Now it's your turn...Go ahead...

Are you going to give it a try?   Now's the time!


+2 votes

I hope I never become so weak minded that I need some faux event to motivate me to do something.  I suspect there's a nucleus with the same mindset. wink

0 votes
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I just don't fool with them.

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