+6 votes
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10 Answers

+5 votes
Yes, by

Yes, from northern Canada when I was a teenager. Awesome sight!!!

+3 votes
No, by

Never seen it here in Sweden but I live in the Soutwest part.

+5 votes
No, by

But it is something that I would like to experience.

+2 votes
No, by

Would love to go, I've seen it from England but not very good..

+2 votes
Yes, by

Only once that I recall

+2 votes

No, but I would love to.

About 1945 I saw the Aurora Australis (the Southern Lights) but I don't think they've been visible in my part of Australia since then. They are occasionally seen in our southernmost regions but the colour doesn't come close to those shown in your beautiful picture. I think you'd have to be close to Antarctica for that.

+2 votes
No, by


I know exactly why it occurs but find it no less Fascinating , it will leave me *Breathless*

+3 votes
Yes, by

Yes, many times.

They are beautiful.

+2 votes
No, by

Unfortunately not in nature, only in movies, on pictures, TV and Internet.

The picture is amazing!

+1 vote
No, by

I live in New Jersey and, while there were a few opportunities to potentially see the Northern Lights, they never occurred right here where I live.  If/When I get to see the Northern Lights, I will tell you about them.  Until then, I can only wait for my chance to see them.

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