+4 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

If so what kind of things , release your COMPETITIVE STREAK ?image

I can't deny I have one  :) as if you didn't know that  lolz 

I am Competitive Serenity
II'm not a Competitive Person Serenity

5 Answers

+4 votes
I am Competitive Serenity, by

I'm very competitive... It's usually the people who try to bring me down who make me a fighter. I've learned to apreacite those beeeeaaaches ;) 

+3 votes
II'm not a Competitive Person Serenity, by

When I was involved in sports I was very competitive in high school, after I got out of the military.....I played league sports but then, after being in casts and suffering shin splints and all that, my need to compete seemed to wane.

+3 votes
II'm not a Competitive Person Serenity, by

In my younger years, I was very competitive. I had to be first, on top, fastest, blah blah blah. Now that I'm an old man, I've mellowed and I just let everyone else compete and I just watch and pick up the change that falls out of their pockets.

0 votes
II'm not a Competitive Person Serenity, by

I would say I am somewhere in the middle.

0 votes
I am Competitive Serenity, by

Everything I've done in life, I've wanted to win or be the best...

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