+4 votes
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12 Answers

+2 votes

Yes, unfortunately I think many people do.

+2 votes

Not that I'm aware

+3 votes

I have dealt with my PTSD or rather Professionals have but if anyone wakes me with a start , they sometimes get a punch or knocked across the room , think when I'm asleep my Brain tells me I'm Vulnerable and so I attack.

My Girl slapped me playfully when I was laying on my fella's Lap asleep a couple of years ago and I punched him , was so relieved that I didn't punch her , my Natural Instinct kicked in.


I am sad to hear this, Serenity.  My sister struggles with PTSD to this point as well.  And I love your gif.  Damaged people are def dangerous.  After the illegal harassment I endured years ago on a job, I got even with the ringleader that hated me so much.

+3 votes

Not every day, but....frequently.  Five of my buddies died one night in a car accident.  Hard to take when you're a Sophomore and you'd just been hangin' with them at the dance....

+3 votes

No but I still wound up with multiple mental illnesses somehow

+4 votes

Many people have, and I'm one of them. You learn to live with it, with enough time. 

+2 votes

Yes. Time really does help a lot. I had to get used to the person I was afterwards.

+1 vote

No, fortunately not.

+1 vote

No.  I'm pretty good at letting things go.  

+1 vote

Yes, about 8 years ago I left a job (forced out of the job) in which I had been the target of workplace bullying. It wasn't just one individual, but a group of five women: a concerted effort over many months.  It left me wounded and traumatized beyond the psychological issues I deal with already. After that experience, I avoided going out in public to avoid seeing these women and the other individuals that witnessed the circumstances (I live in a small town), and cut off too many friendships to count because of the humiliation I felt.

It was, unfortunately, one of the major events of my life that changed it forever.  Even after approaching the subject with my most rational reasoning, I have not been able to completely overcome the damage. 

I'm sure a lot of people have experienced worse, but thank you for asking this question and allowing me to vent.

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