+1 vote

6 Answers

+2 votes

I would give it to the National Enquirer for nothing, asking only that they never divulge my identity.

If I had to report income from the picture to the IRS, you can be sure that Lois Lerner (or whoever her corrupt successor may be) would see to it that I was harassed and audited every year for the rest of my life.

If there's one thing the crooked politicians won't tolerate, it is a whistleblower.  That's the one unforgivable sin... everything else can be bought off.

Robert Heinlein once described an honest politician as "one who stays bought".
Hmmm... didn't Heinlein once write something about a space bum who sang

"I pray for one last payoff
To the pols that feather my berth.
Let me rest my eyes on the fleecing guys
And the cool green dough of Earth."  ?
Could be, though I don't remember it. I didn't read all his stuff, of course.
Yep, I did read that one. Long time ago. I actually went off Heinlein when his later books started to deal with incest. Then when his widow published "Grumbles from the Grave" -- a book full of whining and bitching -- I threw it away and haven't read one of his since. But he's very quotable.
I first came across that story in a TV production maybe 15 years ago.   I then got the book out of the library,  but I remember very little of it except the song.

+2 votes

I would never do such a thing, Cowboy. I'd sell it to the politician concerned for a vasts amount of money and buy a waterfront home at beautiful Mollymook Beach. . Hmm. I wonder if it'd be possible to get my hands on a box of Bill Clinton's cigars? They'd set a record price at Sothebys.

+2 votes

In a heart beat!!!

0 votes

I would demand a million dollars from the National Enquirer.

0 votes

Why would it ever be assumed I would take such a photo?

+1 vote

No, sell it to the politician, it`s worth more to him/her.

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