+5 votes
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8 Answers

+4 votes

Nah. I was born toward the end of the Great Depression. My parents were too old to have any more kids (and I have three older siblings and a younger brother). They resented us and while we were fed and clothed, there wasn't much else.

So, no, it wasn't ideal. But it was miles in front of those poor kids who grow up without parents.

But you nevertheless turned out ok, Didge.   ;-)
I'm not complaining. I didn't finish my second year of high school and spent my life in a succession of jobs you could have trained a monkey to do, but the things I've enjoyed far outweigh the things that "might have been". Once you start making small changes at one time in your life, they become enormous as the years pass. I wouldn't change a thing.
One can't ask for more than that.   :-)
+4 votes
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Yes.  My sister and I had the best parents anyone could wish for, and school was a ball.

+3 votes
No, by

no but my parents tried their best.. they could have done things different. 

+2 votes
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It was during the 50's and it was a peaceful time.

+2 votes
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So far, I do, I consider myself really lucky for being able to grow up in the environment that I have. :) My parents are great and I live in a nice area--hard to ask for more. 

+2 votes
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Yes. I grew up on a small island with only a few hundred people.

I was very happy.

+2 votes
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Yeah I like it pretty much how I grew up as a child.

+1 vote
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I do, very much so.  I always think of it as my Norman Rockwellian memory.  It wasn't always easy....but I lived in a small town out in the country on a farm.

I would change nothing.

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