+6 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by


Ask for help
Figure it out

6 Answers

+2 votes

I'll ask for help if it's really necessary but I'd much rather work things out for myself.


Sunday school question:  Why did Moses spend 40 years wandering in the desert?

Answer:  He didn't want to ask directions.


@Tink: Golda Meir once quipped that Moses wasn't very well thought of in Israel. He wandered for 40 years in the desert before settling in the only part of it that had no oil.


@ Didge   That's what he got for not asking directions.  :)

+2 votes
Figure it out, by

I need both

+3 votes
Figure it out, by

More often than not I will try to figure it out for myself but know when I am beat and know when I need to ask for assistance.

I'm a Problem Solver and most come to me with their problems  tbh 


+2 votes
Figure it out, by

I love figuring things out.

+2 votes
Ask for help, by

I will ask for help if something complicates me.

+1 vote
Ask for help, by
So it will be less chance that I will do something wrong.

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