+3 votes
in Society & Culture by


9 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

Arranged marriages remind too often of forced and child marriages, as many of them occur without consent of the involved couples or one of the parties, and they can promote human trafficking, slavery and abuse.

But arranged marriages were very current over the whole world, till the 18th / 19th century, and in many countries, they are still widespread, even today.


Anyway, no kind of marriage, whether autonomous or arranged (with the full consent of the couples to be married), offers any guarantee of success.

+3 votes

nope nope nope

+2 votes

it is rather complicated to explain, but whether there is arranged marriage in this era

+3 votes

I don't like it at all and I really hope it will be gone pretty soon. If a person wants that it's their choice and I understand it's a cultural thing but still I think it isn't so good and feels wrong.

+3 votes

I frown upon arranged marriages.

+3 votes

For me personally, nope, not my cup of tea. I married for love. I was lucky.

My grandparents had an arranged marriage and it was fine. I have a very good friend who lives in India. It is part of their culture to have a matchmaker for their arranged marriages. He is in an arranged marriage and is very happy. When his children became of age, he did the same for his three children. They are happy. So, I guess it depends on your culture and family traditions. 


I have a ldr boyfriend in South India which I love a lot. So that's also a part of the reason why I dislike it. But he said he won't marry anyone and he is able to say no to arranged marriage.


My friend always said that his children could have married for love. It didn't work out that way, all children were okay with a matchmaker, subsequent match, and then marriage. When going through the process they could have said no. As my friend and his wife also had a say in their matches. To date they are all deeply happy. I wish you the best. Happy you are in love. It's a beautiful thing. :)

+2 votes

I don't think they're appropriate for this period of time. 

+2 votes

I am against them.

0 votes
i don't judge other cultures morality by my own, lest I be judged.. If thier society accepts it in thier culture, then it is not for me to judge what they do

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