+5 votes
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      Do you sleep well all night...or wake often?

9 Answers

+3 votes

I usually wake up several times each night.

+4 votes

 good all night

+3 votes

I am a product of broken sleep.  I just wake up during intervals and then it is hard for me to get back to sleep.

+3 votes

I sleep mostly good but many times not enough. Like right now it feels like my brain want the sleep but not the rest of myself. But most of the tims I wake up only once a night and can easily go back to sleep again. 

+3 votes

i usually have broken sleeps but the past few nights have been good (i find that i can sleep better if i've been more active during the day so after dinner i go for an hour walk)

+2 votes

I sleep well and soundly.

I was going to say 'sleep like a baby,' but of course John McCain put it quite well.  When asked how he slept after losing the election to Obama, he said, "I slept like a baby... woke up every two hours, crying."

+2 votes

Usually I sleep fine through the night but sometimes I wake up in the early morning having to go to the bathroom =\

+2 votes

I'm usually able to sleep, but it varies

0 votes

My FitBit says I slept for 10 hours and 10 minutes last night.  I was awake once and restless 4 times totaling 7 minutes.

My average for this week is 7 hours and 5 minutes of sleep per night.

I've averaged about 7 hours of sleep per night for the past four weeks.

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