+5 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

5 Answers

+5 votes

Mine was The Tinder Box 

 Loved the Dogs guarding the Box with Eyes as Big as Saucers :)

+3 votes

It wasn't my favorite, but it certainly made the deepest impression on me when I was about 5 years old:

"The Little Match Girl", by Hans Christian Andersen

I cried and cried over the little girl's fate when my mom read the story to me.  She was only able to console me by assuring me that it was only a story, and that it didn't really happen.


+2 votes

imageI know I liked Bamse which is a Swedish comic book, cartoon and bookk. It's about the strongest bear in the world who get strong of eating a special honey. And others get stomach pain of that honey except his daughter and no bees either I think.

+1 vote

It was Peter Pan for me.

+1 vote


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