+2 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

2 Answers

+2 votes

Can you explain more about what you mean.


all the work that I do, almost all of them failed to produce

+1 vote

Yes, Suyanto, it might be useful to get a clearer idea about your work time, and - probably - about multitasking; is it due to an overcharged working schedule? Or are you exposed to irregular times and duties?


all the work that I do, almost all of them failed to produce


That is bad news.

You might have to change your methods or diversify; with gardening, for instance, that involves switching gradually to polycultures with native plants and biological, ecologically sustainable, energy and water efficient productions. Can small scale, local gardeners, herbalists and vegetable and urban farmers organise themselves to get the advice of experts in horticulture, eco-diversity, botanics, chemistry, scientific analysts, healthy food preparation, distribution, logistics and efficient management? There is also much to translate from Indonesion languages into English and vice versa, in all these domains and in others. If you are an inventor or creator, try to develop simple, energy, water and cost efficient systems, develop computer and display programmes, etc., and in many cases, you need to cooperate with colleagues in multidisciplinary projects. 

Yes, one good invention is often the result of many failed experiments. Furthermore, errors and accidents are often caused by too much speed.


of all commodities is not running as usual, probably because of a prolonged crisis, and has many more friends bankruptcies, oooh ..


very nice you provide this information


You're welcome.

Inform yourself well and check the sources.


Ok. mom

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