+7 votes
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10 Answers

+10 votes
I would have to say a good small victory was coming to this site where I can be myself and have some fun. Without a bunch of silly rules and such. It's a breath of fresh air for me and I'm loving it ! That's a small victory to start ! Eh ?
I love when the people I care about are are happy eh ? :) VICTORY :)
+10 votes
Getting out of bed some days is a small victory!
lol yeah :) I love small victories :E hi Angela :)
+9 votes
I can cook rice without burning it!!! I can cook anything very well. Even things people are afraid of cooking, I can rock it. But for some reason I burn my rice even with a rice cooker. There is no excuse, I'm half Hawaiian, isn't it supposed to be part of my DNA? Haven't burned a pot of rice in 6 months!!!! Hooray!!!
Don't feel bad for burning rice. My wife used to burn water.
My ex wife cooked some crap the dog wouldn't even touch! LOL That's bad !
Rooster, that's worse than bad!!!
Hahahahahahaha!!!! I needed that laugh!!
lol yay dragonfly yay !!! I don't eat rice .... But if I did .... I forget where I was going with this Thought :p
+8 votes
A couple of weeks ago, I sewed a button on a shirt sleeve for the first time. With my old eyes and feeble fingers, that was a satisfying small victory.

What was your victory JT?
Hi hippy :) my victory has to with something about something and a moving forward and letting go of something ... It involved a beutiful dance in a kitchen and something :) lol :) that makes sence ... My victory = happy :) that makes sence :E
As long as your victory made you happy, it's all good.
+7 votes
Christmas dinner came out quite well.
Awesome victory :E
+5 votes
There have been a number of times I've attempted to do something, and failed and I was surprised because someone came up and thanked me for either noticing the problem and/or attempting to fix it and failing sucks but being noticed and thanked was a small victory that made me feel a little bit better for the small victory.
That's lovely :) thank you for answering
Your very welcome, I think the best one was a time when I was attempting to help fix something for an older lady, and didn't think anyone was watching me, but I guess one of the younger lady neighbors saw me and called over wondering if I was suppose to be on her yard. The older lady didn't know I was there, but knew who I was and younger one finally figured out what I was doing and a day or so later came up to me and thanked me for watching out for her neighbor (which sounds like she tries to do as well) and attempting to fix something. The lady said she had a professional in the family she called over to fix it in the coming days.

But the kind of awesome part was I didn't realize anyone saw me that day attempting to work on the problem and I never expected to be thanked for it especially not a couple of days later.
+5 votes
Win a game?
Victory !!! Muhahahahaha! Totally counts :)
+3 votes

We can have Little Victories every day , surviving one day at a time is a Victory in itself for some.

Love this :) thank you ..." I may crack but I'll never shatter "
You're very welcome Jaime :)
+4 votes

Hmmm....off the top of my head, mine was probably completing a very loooong and arduous walkway this this late Summer.  I started a couple of days after school got out....and I never completed it until a week and a half before school began in the Fall.  It looks nice, but holy schnikes!  I will nevah do that again.

+2 votes

Being congratulated by my bank for being a member for so long.

Lol :) Neva again !!! Thank you for answering ... Aweeome victory ;)

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