+3 votes
in Computer Networking by
Except Youtube
Facebook 6 votes, 35%
Twitter 1 vote, 6%
Instagram 0 votes
Pintrest 2 votes, 12%
Tumblr 3 votes, 18%
Flickr 0 votes
Vine 0 votes
LinkedIn 0 votes
Reddit 0 votes
Undecided 5 votes, 29%

15 Answers

+8 votes
I do not currently use any of them.  Reddit is the only one I might try.  I have no interest in the others.  

The ideal site, imho, would combine the best of SH and Amirite and ditch the BS.  This site has potential...
+6 votes
Facebook, by
Facebook or Whatsapp
+6 votes
Tumblr, by
+6 votes
Facebook, by
Where is Google+? It looks nice but less users than Facebook.
Well I  guess I forgot that one.
+6 votes

I don't really like any of them.

+5 votes
Only recently joined Pinterest , don't quite get what it's about yet other than Great Photography and many things I'm interested in like Haunted Houses  etc

Oh I follow my favourite Singers on Twitter and a few Actors
i am a heavy pinterest user  i have over 8000 bfiollowwers
Thats great!
+3 votes
Facebook, by
I belong to closed groups affiliated to FB ...
+2 votes

I am an Albany-based coffee & tea supplier who is deeply engaged in local social media marketing efforts now. I think Facebook and Instagram might be my favorite, since they are set to be the most popular and mainstream platforms for B2B marketers. I like Instagram probably the most for its user-friendly navigation and great options for creating signature photos from boring images captured on my smartphone.


Hadagar, good luck for your business.
+2 votes
Undecided, by

It's torn between Facebook and Twitter, actually.  While I like Facebook in the way that I can share longer posts (unlike the 140 character limit on Twitter...still wondering when or even IF Twitter10k will happen), I'm not often in the mood to Instant Message people, which is what I like about Twitter more.

+2 votes
Facebook, by

Facebook, rarely.

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