+2 votes
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Is it true that Kim Jong-un executed his own uncle and was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs?

3 Answers

+1 vote

I read a couple different stories on that and it seems like the Aunt was poisoned and he ordered the deaths of the entire family. Also rumored that the Uncle was torn to pieces by dogs. I've read a lot about that country and the dog killings are a common practice. Don't know about any girlfriend as he keeps his own little harem of young girls around. Hopefully, someone will rid the world of that nutcase.


The Chinese could do it in about 5 minutes, but they find him a useful proxy.


For the time being. Soon as he goes over the brink, the Chinese will back away.


Kim Jong Un is an idiot fullstop

0 votes

Wouldn't put it past him

0 votes

He is an evil man!


Lots of Marxists were evil, but of course many liberal/progressives loved them it their day, like Stalin, Mao and Castro.

Maybe we've made a little (albeit very little) progress with liberals since then.


No Liberal kills people.  If someone who professes to be a Liberal would kill someone, he or she loses the classification of being a "Liberal."  It is any oxymoron to think a Liberal kills someone.  Most Liberals hate guns.  Marxists, Stalin, and Castro and now the shooter in Orlando are not honored by any Liberal.  


Read about Walter Duranty, the Moscow Bureau Chief of the New York Times for fourteen years (1922-1936), who wrote story after story praising Stalin and the Soviet Union during the great purges. Many  liberals of the day ate his stuff up, and of course the Times never saw fit to repudiate the Pulitzer that he got for his false reporting.


And Henry Wallace, FDR's Vice President until 1944 (when he was wisely dumped), was so pro-Soviet that he had to write an article, years later, "Why I was Wrong", in which he admitted that his earlier stance in defense of the Soviets had been wrong.

"In 1952 Wallace published Where I Was Wrong, in which he explained that his seemingly-trusting stance toward the Soviet Union and Joseph Stalin stemmed from inadequate information about Stalin's crimes, and that he now considered himself an anti-Communist."


Wallace was about as liberal as they came in those days.


Sometimes people get blinded and "taken in" by foolish propaganda.  If this happens to a Liberal, a Liberal will repent and not go back to something that is intrinsically evil.


Not Walter Duranty.

That scoundrel knew perfectly well what he was doing.  He just liked being wined and dined by the Communist bigwigs in the USSR.

And the notion that someone as intelligent as Henry Wallace should be so easily taken in, and for so many years, says a lot about the political naivete of many liberals, a factor still very evident today. Listen to Charlie Rose's naivete in this clip (some would say hypocrisy, because Rose admits that he knows the things Maher is saying are true at 1:48, yet continues to mindlessly spout the PC liberal line).

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