+8 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by
For me, those months with dark nights and cold weather ...I can't wait for lighter nights and the warm sun....

8 Answers

+7 votes
Kind of ! It wasn't so bad when I used to snowboard but now they are just cold months that keeps me cooped up inside. Like you, I like the longer days and warm and hot weather.
+4 votes
Yeah they are kind of boring, nothing really happens during those months.
+4 votes
Yeah they're not the best. Colder temperatures and a lot of school. At least I get a week off in February, though.
+4 votes
In the machine shop where I sometimes worked, I didn't matter what month it was...There was always plenty of boring to be done.   ;*)

Sounds like it....lol
I wasn't a machinist...I only worked in the machine shop sometimes...My job wasn't boring at all...I found it very interesting.
I worked on machinery once, but I was very clumsy and had so many cuts on my hand....
+2 votes
Nope, but I like cold weather.
+2 votes
Yes. It's a big letdown after all the Christmas excitement.
+2 votes

I am in Australia ​right now for vacation and it's summer holidays.  For me growing up, January and February have always been summer months and spending lot's of time at the beach having fun and in early February return to school.

0 votes

January with the exception of New Year's Day is a boring and long month.  I don't think February is boring because Valentine's Day falls during that month and also there are plenty of February birthdays.

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