+4 votes
in Doubts by

4 Answers

+4 votes

No idea ! I see it all the time on other sites. My Dad is an Administrator on blurtit.com and there is no problem with them there at all. Unless it's sales spam. I see no problem with it at all. It's not like you're giving out personal info about someone. Their online profile can be used anywhere that I've seen. Most smart people don't put much personal info on them anyway. I don't know what the big deal is !

+4 votes

I didn't know we weren't allowed to.  I posted a couple of questions with links to other sites not that long ago (maybe a few days ago or less).  Did those questions get deleted or something?  I'll have to check and find out.

+3 votes

The only reason seems to be is that someone bellyached loudly enough and long enough.

A cogent reason not to post a link was not forthcoming from ANY quarter. :sideways:


Because there is no legal reason. When you join a site and make a profile, it's completely public. I still don't understand all the fuss.


Of course it's completely public.

The objection was just a tantrum. :)

0 votes

I don't know. Why can't we? That's so interestingly weird..

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