+2 votes
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And then the next day, he tried to walk his statement back.  Did he get an angry memo from someone?

2 Answers

+2 votes

It was called Hillarycare, because she headed the commission that proposed it to Congress.

Like nearly everything else she touched, it was a disaster.



The problem is that theory is not practice.



Quite true, but as any competent scientist will tell you, if a theory does not work in practice, then it's not a good theory.  :)


Yes, and there are quite a lot of "business oriented" people who do not listen to the competent scientists warning from unconsiderate risks, or to people who can share well-founded experience.

Quite a few consumer organisations have found and are uncovering massive "irregularities" from the big industries, trusts and cartels.



But of course... they, like government bureaucrats, operate according to a different theory.

But companies with bad business practices tend to go out of business sooner or later... government bureaucrats and politicians just raise taxes to cover their mistakes (or worse), so the time it takes a government to go out of business is usually considerably longer than that of a typical private company.

I am afraid that private business ends often in big trusts or cartels and in investment sectors, or they outsource their productions.
And politicians, after retiring, turn often back to private business, with a few exceptions.

By the way, F. Hollande is reducing the privileges of former politicians; he started with reducing the salaries of higher ranking members of the government, including his own salary. But very few mentioned that.

I suspect that is simply for public show.

In the US, former politicians often become lobbyists, selling their personal connections with current members of Congress to corporations or foreign governments for very large pay.



Of course, most politicians are playing the card of personal engagement and sacrifices - but it is very rare that they work for a lesser pay. And it is true that in France, F. Hollande is the most unpopular president of the Fifth Republic.

But I can't help remembering Chappatte's "observation":



LOL!   :D  Very apt!



+2 votes

Wonder who got on his case for saying that? Obamacare ! What a joke that is !


For one of the few times in his life, Bill told the truth... for a short while, anyway.

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