+1 vote
in Politics & Government ✌ by

1 - Open Borders

2 - Open trade.

I guess we'll just let anyone in with no vetting and lose more jobs to out-sourcing.

This will sure create a welfare state ! 


1 Answer

+1 vote

Oh, yes, I've seen them, and their purpose is obvious to anyone with eyes to see.

That purpose is to continue the destruction of the middle class, in order to leave a large mass of low-paid workers and unemployed, dependent on government (and forming, not coincidentally, a permanent Democrat voting majority), ruled by a rich, liberal Democrat elite.

Elementary, my dear Watson.


It's sickening !


Indeed it is.

But the liberal Democrat goal is not to COMPLETELY destroy the middle class, just to reduce it to maybe 25 or 30% of the population... not large enough to vote the liberals out of office, but large enough to exploit as a cash cow through high taxation to pay off the dependency class for votes.

It wouldn't do for the rich liberal elite to have to part with much of its OWN money, of course. They will always keep the tax loopholes that favor them.


We're screwed without benefit of intercourse !


That's the only kind of screwing the liberal elites do.

At least when they're screwing the peons. 

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