+3 votes
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Summer for me !   

9 Answers

+7 votes

Sorry, Rooster, I do like winter. It's quieter.

+5 votes


+7 votes

I think I like autumn the best, but spring and summer are good too.  :)

Winter, not quite so much.  :D


But nevertheless, "O Wind, if Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?"


Great picture, T(h)ink!



Glad you like it, Marianne! :)

The ancient Britons went to a LOT of trouble to make it possible.  :D


Been there! Early on a Sunday morning (7 am), saw NO ONE for 3 hours.


Oh yes, and the remains are still amazing after all this time.

We have also some monuments from ancient times - but there are various smaller and bigger sites all over Europe - although not so impressing like Stonehenge:



@ XIX:

Not even a few ancient Druid spirits?  I think I would have at least felt their presence if I had been alone at Stonehenge for 3 hours.


@ Marianne:

Yes, these ancient monuments are indeed remarkable.  But the most astonishing is Khufu's great pyramid, with over 2 million heavy stone blocks.  :O :O :O



I guess I'm just "insensitive" (lol).


@ XIX:




Oh yes, of course, the Cheops pyramid; I saw it only on pictures and in documentations or films, but it is impressing.


+6 votes

This time of year is great. Days are getting longer. With the snow the noise of the city (traffic etc.) is muffled. The dogs love it, as long as it is not too cold. Snow boarding, skiing, skating. No garden work, No grass to mow, No leaves to rake.. what could be better?

+7 votes

I like Fall the best. Mainly because of the view when the leaves have changed .


It's been so long since I've seen beautiful fall leaves. 


I like the Fall leaves but I don't like when the leaves fall.  :)

+6 votes

I like the Goldilocks seasons -- Spring and Autumn: not too hot, not too cold. 

+6 votes

I think that spring is nice, but each season has its beauty.



Spring is indeed nice.   Winter, na ja.  :)


Yes - well - I am neither enthusiastic about the long nights, the cold and dull weather, but there is still beauty in it, when you keep warm and contemplate wonderful or mysterious landscapes wearing white silk and diamonds. Andrew Foster-Williams' Winter seems to be very close to Antonio Vivaldi's spirited music on the same theme - there seems to be a romantic longing for spring and light:



Yes, Purcell ('Orpheus Britannicus') was strongly influenced by the Italian baroque style, but his "Winter" predated Vivaldi's by about 30 years.  Maybe they both were influenced by a common source.


Oops, I wrote the singer's name and didn't even notice it - a big brain fart. Purcell (1659) was, of course, older than Vivaldi (1678). (J'ai la mémoire qui flanche, i.e. mein Gedächtnis lässt mich im Stich, i.e. I have a failing memory ...) Checking: the Fairy Queen in 1692, Orpheus Britannicus (the song collection) in 1698 and 1702, and Vivaldi's Four Seasons around 1723, first published in 1725 in Amsterdam).




Here is another "cold song" by Purcell.  :)

What Power art thou,
Who from below,
Hast made me rise,
Unwillingly and slow,
From beds of everlasting snow!
See'st thou not how stiff,
And wondrous old,
Far unfit to bear the bitter cold.

I can scarcely move,
Or draw my breath,
I can scarcely move,
Or draw my breath.

Let me, let me,
Let me, let me,
Freeze again...
Let me, let me,
Freeze again to death!

Oh yes - probably the most popular counter-tenor song of Purcell's "King Arthur", and we heard the dramatic interpretation of "The Cold" often on the radio in the eighties, interpreted in these times by Klaus Nomi, if I remember well, who was the "heartthrob" of the music scenes by then - and also a German (for you).


But Andreas Scholl has a great voice too. 


Yep, they are both quite good.  Purcell would have approved, I think.  :)


Lol - much like Leonardo Vinci (the composer) for Artaserse.


+6 votes

Winter has always been my favorite season. I love the cold. Autumn comes in at a close second.

+4 votes

Autumn is my favorite season, but Winter is a close second.  Both seasons have beautiful scenery...spectacular colored leaves in Autumn and beautiful snow-covered landscapes in Winter.



At least, that's how I picture both seasons...but around here where I live, such beauty is rarely seen.  While the leaves do change colors in Autumn, they are usually very dull around here and snow doesn't seem to stick around long in Winter because it keeps warming up after we get a snowstorm.

But, why I like Autumn more than Winter is because of one thing...the days and nights.  In Autumn, the days are still getting shorter and the nights are still getting longer.  Once Winter arrives, the days begin to get longer and the nights begin to get shorter.

I have no comment on the other two seasons.

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