+3 votes
in Arts & Humanities by

Do you know any good memory techniques? Is there a way to avoid absent-mindedness?

4 Answers

+6 votes

I write things down, I have to or most things never get done. I have an erasable whiteboard in the kitchen. It has columns for the days of the week. I walk past it a zillion times a day and most often, see the things that must be done.


Useful. If there's something I MUST remember (like an appointment) I add it to the Google calendar with a reminder by email. Apart from that I keep lists on my Galaxy. Ain't technology wonderful? 


It definitely is Didge. I have all kinds of alarms and reminders on my phone. Thank goodness.


@ AH:

That doesn't sound like hippy behavior!  Did you retire from being a hippy?  :)


I guess I'm what you call a modern day hippie, Tink.


Fair enough!  :)

+4 votes

Awwww , none that I know of man ! I forgot what the question was ????


I wrote it down somewhere but I lost the bit of paper. 

Somebody once put it this way: "I thought a thought, but the thought I thought, was not the thought I thought I thought. And so, when next a thought I think, I think I'll write it down with pen and ink." 



Lol - an excellent word "game". :D



Lol - forgetting is not only a question of growing old:




+4 votes

I also noted things by hand or drew items or symbols and still do, but now, my lists (or symbols) are electronic.

In some rare cases, I am using a piece of paper, which I am putting in my purse.

+5 votes

I have to write them down. Especially if I'm at work and have more than 3 or 4 measurements at a time to remember. Appointments get written on the calendar and other things like return phone calls or errands, I jot down on a sticky note. 

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