+4 votes
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5 Answers

+2 votes

In the case of Israel, it is quite easy to understand.  Pro-Israel PACS contributed about $7 million to the political campaigns of both Republicans and Democrats in 2016. Furthermore, about 7 out of 10 Americans view Israel in a favorable light, so aiding Israel is a slam dunk for most American politicians, especially considering Islamic terrorism since 9/11.  Money plus votes.



In the case of Pakistan, I think the aid is a form of bribery, to have some leverage with the Pakistanis for their cooperation (or at least non-interference) with American political and military operations (e.g., drone flights) in or near Pakistan.

The $3.1B aid is really high for a small country and according to this site, over 60% of Americans believe the United States gives "much too much" or "too much" foreign aid to Israel :- http://ifamericansknew.org/stat/usaid.html. Maybe religion plays a role in it, like Jerusalem is in Israel which is a holy sites for Christians.

@ Dan:

Your link is dead (returns a 404 error).  In any case, "ifamericansknew" is not exactly a reliable source of information. :ermm:


Here is what is likely to be a more nuanced reading of the poll you refer to.  As usual, it depends a lot on how the question is asked, and on the politics of those who are asked. :wassat:



There are many American citizens homeless, why can't the government spend the money for them?


@ Dan:

Because, as you can see on the graph below, the federal government already spends over 67% of its budget on social programs and less than 1% on foreign aid. It would be a drop in the bucket.  Besides, the administrators and politicians would skim off half the money before it ever got to the homeless. :ermm:


+3 votes

I would go back to a custom found in many homes. You take care of your own family first; then you take care of your extended family; then you take care of strangers. Not as simple as it seems. When you put politics and nationalism into the mix you have what we have today. Way back when the United States was an almost totally isolated country, it took weeks to cross an ocean let alone realize in real time what was happening in the rest of the world. What started out as a general charitable endeavor, meaning the United States helping less fortunate countries etc, especially after wars turned into a political poker game among world powers. It has changes many faces and names but it continues till today.


Well, it wasn't long after the founding of the United States that we had foreign troubles.  Around 1800, we were paying tribute to the Barbary pirates until we built a navy and sent the Marines into Tripoli.

And then there was the War of 1812, and then the Mexican War in the 1840s.

+2 votes

I would start with history to explain why the USA and other powerful states or federations are funding and supporting so many different  countries or regions - or their governments and opposition groups - in the Middle East and elsewhere:







About religious conflicts:


and more power or interest related conflicts:


"The way to hell is paved with good intentions" - and too often misused for certain "economic and strategic goals" ...

+3 votes

Why we bother with Pakistan is beyond me! They are so corrupt that 90% of the money we give them lines the pockets of Army and political people while they harbor Taliban members and play both sides of the fence. At least Israel is a true Ally and not like Pakistan. I would much rather see ties with India get much better and dump Pakistan altogether. We only use some of Pakistan's land for staging areas for operations into Asscrackistan. From what my son has told me about that would blow you away. Time to get out of Pakistan,Asscrackistan and improve relations with India.

0 votes

My Dad there has some good points! The Pakistani soldiers were the worst I've ever seen in my life. They aren't our allies in the least! I saw many a good Marine get hit in Pakistan while their Police or soldiers just turned the other way. Let them all fight over Asscrackistan as it's a shithole any way. Funny how Taliban groups would cross the border into Pakistan as free as birds. I wish India would nuke them out of existence!

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