+1 vote
in Education ✍ by

4 Answers

+1 vote

No, none of them.


What about laptops, or do most schools supply computers for the students now?

+1 vote

I see no reason why cell phones should be allowed in the classroom. They are there to learn, not play with a phone. After class and school? That's a different story.

+1 vote

It should not be allowed.

+1 vote

I think so, for education purposes only, unless the teacher is providing something like classroom laptops or tablets. 

There's a lot of new apps that make note taking at student's pace easier and- actually, the best part of individual technology is that it allows the student to work at their own pace. 

A downside could be that some students would slack off more easily, but wouldn't those same students be the ones not paying attention to the board, repeating questions, and holding the other students back? 

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