+2 votes
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Do you know what it is?


6 Answers

+3 votes

It looks like the Bismarck.

No, I wouldn't want to explore it.  Let those sailors rest in peace.


It's at 15,000 feet, so the best you could do was check it out in a deep water submersible.


The German government made a statement back in the early 90's saying that no one was to board her or get inside in any way, so you could only look at it from a submersible any way. Kind of would be cool to see down there so deep. Also looks to me like it was scuttled as I don't see all the battle damage the Brits said they did to it.

+3 votes

I would also think of the wreck of German battleship Bismarck:


No, I am not so keen on exploring the inside of "modern time" shipwrecks in the sea. I'd prefer much older ships used as museums, like the Vasa, for instance:


+3 votes

The ship might have the world war artifacts but the ship looks, it belongs to Nazi. So there will be limited number of people who are willing to buy it. But its worth to explore it.

+3 votes

Be kind of cool to check it out but I sure wouldn't want to disturb anything.

+1 vote


+1 vote

No not at all. You couldnt get me to deep sea dive in the ocean for 15 million dollars, let alone some big ass canoe. It could be the Ark of Noah and nooo, Ill pass.

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