+3 votes
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The Evergreen Board of Trustees got around to having a meeting, a month and a half after the fact.

They seem to subscribe to the motto of Academia, "Nothing in Haste".


3 Answers

+3 votes

And of course the colleges don't want anyone to know how few student sexual offenders are punished.



Perfectly right, T(h)ink. Too many offenders get away and the victim blaming goes on ...

Sadly enough, the so-called "rape culture" is not a myth:


+4 votes

Geez, I thought Berkely was a nuthouse! This kind of college shouldn't even exist!


@ Rooster,

They will, as long as they have nutty faculty and administrators who are abject cowards.

+3 votes

O'Tink, I went to the link, down at the bottom of your article, about the State lawmaker who is proposing to pull public funding from Evergreen and make it a private college. A great deal of effort went into creating Evergreen as a progressive public institution, now in jeopardy...which I regret.

As for your article, I learned that the progressive professor who was threatened and had to hold his classes off-campus for a while, he tried to contact the board and they did not respond...so he waited until their regular meeting, when they had to listen to public input but still would not address his situation.


And some of Weinstein's faculty colleagues have turned on him, demanding that he be disciplined.


His biggest crime?  Appearing on Fox News to tell his story.  Why Fox?  None of the other networks were interested.


idk, O'Tink after reading that, maybe it would indeed be best just to pull the plug on Evergreen, i.e., withdraw its public funding - at least for a while...and see if they might be able to come up with a system more viable.

I am not close to the situation, and I understand how difficult it can be to extract good facts from the media - but Professor Weinstein appears quite clear and courageous here...and victimized for it. 


Virginia, it's a disgrace the way Weinstein was treated by the radical students, the radical faculty and the craven administrators and board of trustees.  The Evergreen scandal is like turning over a rock in the garden to expose all manner of crawling insects.  :O

I don't think their funding will really be cut, but they do seem to be paying a price in reduced applications from the deservedly bad publicity (and they need almost every warm body they can get, with an acceptance rate of 98.9%).

And their online reviews are less than stellar. :ermm:


Instate tuition is about $6500, and $23,000 if you are out of state. LOL! I wonder how many out-of-staters they have?:D


O'Tink, one thing I think of is that if it were back in my own college days, I would have avoided Evergreen. 


So would I, Virginia.

Like the plague. :O


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