+2 votes
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I joined to Mastodon. Mastodon is decentralized social network. It has many independent communities. It is similar to twitter.


2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

Kninjanin, I see that Mastodon accepts up to 500 characters, so it also gives you more space than twitter! That is nice...

+3 votes

It looks interesting - I hope that it will be a lot of fun for you.

Can you keep us informed about your experiences?


I will share my experience on Mastodon. There are a lot of people from France and Japan. I don't see trolls, scammers and spam.


I will share my experience on Mastodon. There are a lot of people from France and Japan. I don't see trolls, scammers and spam. Mastodon does not use advertising. 


Please do keep us informed Kninjanin, that will be interesting and I hope it is a good site, I might like to come!


Thank you, Kninjanin, I am looking forward to your info.


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