+3 votes
in Politics & Government ✌ by

The Indian nationalist, Subhas Chandra Bose, fought on the side of the Japanese in WW2 at the head of the Indian National Army in order to drive the British out of India.

Had the Japanese been successful, and had they begun (as seems more than likely) to exploit India as a colony, would Bose have been content to be a figurehead Quisling, or would he have taken up arms against the Japanese?



Azad Hind (Free India) stamps printed for Bose in Germany.

5 Answers

+3 votes

Knowing how brutal the Japanese were in WW2? I think once they had India in their Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere? They would have killed him and put one of their own in charge. Like they did with all the others they conquered. They wouldn't have let anyone else rule the country and since he had military training? He would have been killed by the Kempetai! 



Well, I was thinking something more along the lines of Henry Pu Yi (the Chinese imperial heir) installed as the puppet emperor of Manchukuo. Not in the cards for India?

+3 votes

O'Tink, this Q is especially interesting in the wake of Rooster's question...

Based on the information in your link, I am going to speculate that Subhas Chandra Bose, had he survived into such a scenario, he was a true hero and he would have gone underground resistance against the Japanese.


I think you are probably right, Virginia. If the Japanese betrayed him and he avoided death at their hands, he probably would have fought against them.

+4 votes
Subhas Chandra Bose also had a relationship with Hitler and he thought it will help India's independence. He also had an army in Southeast Asia to fight against British. But most Indians in British controlled area were fought for British. Before that in the 17th century, there was a battle between British and French in India. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnatic_Wars . French had fought with Muslim rules of India against the British.

@ Dan,

Yes, the struggle between Britain and its allies against France and its allies was really a world war, fought in Europe, Asia, North America and Africa. It ended in 1763 with the defeat of the French in all theaters.


You have a remarkable and comprehensive knowledge of history, O'Tink.


Thank you, Virginia.  I have always had an interest in how we got to where we are, and it goes back a long way. :)

+1 vote

I could only join again this late afternoon after yesterday's and today's connection problems.

And there is nothing particular to add; I can only confirm.

Yes, like Virginia, T(h)ink and Rooster, I suppose that Subhas Chandra Bose would have been used and abused by the Japanes, like many other "key puppets": manipulated and dumped (or rather eliminated), if they were of no use anymore. And, had the Japanese been victorious and had he been lucky enough to survive (physically and mentally) and escape from their control, he would have certainly tried to fight them from "the underground".

0 votes

I found an Azad Hind marching song on YouTube, with translations.

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