+2 votes
in Websites by

3 Answers

+3 votes

Because a lot of fools seem to be attracted to YouTube.  Why, I don't know. :)


Youtube has a lot of good information. There are videos about planets, universe, animals, technology, comedy, random stuff. I have seen many people telling that they had learned better from Youtube videos than from their schools and colleges. I don't think it's a bad site. But the comment section seems to be so bad when comparing to websites like Quora.


Yes, there is a lot of excellent material on YouTube.


Agree Dan, lots of good info on  YouTube.

+3 votes

Haters don't know where they can write bad about someone or something. If they says something bad about someone in the public places, they could have a confilct.

+1 vote

YouTube itself is great and I've learned a lot from some videos there but I rarely if ever make or read any comments. I prefer to form my own opinions and such. I don't even bother with anything but the videos.


Same here. I don't read or leave comments on YouTube.

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