+6 votes
in Other - Entertainment by

Suddenly, the National Geographic photo shoot highlighting the migration of the Tufted Titmouse, no longer mattered.

What medium are you willing to suffer for?

2 Answers

+4 votes

That's how I felt about it too, Serenity, though I didn't look as good laughing as she does. (I hope she stops before she develops palpitations: she looks out of control.)
+2 votes
Much laughter in the land of Oz. Mrs Didge and I both loved that picture though it has more to do with the migration of the camera crew than the titmouse. Who was holding the camera that took this photograph, and why wasn't he running too? Maybe he had a long lens.

Suffer for my art? Well, no, I can't claim to have done that. But I used to call square dances and, with a voice like mine, it was my dancers who suffered for my art. Still, they didn't seem to mind and what we lacked in melody we compensated for with laughter.

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