+5 votes
in Suggestions by
  1. Now you can use @username and #tag in posts. Example @amberleechoo [Note:- This feature will get affected if you change your username] Using @username in posts will create a link to the user profile.
  2. Using #tag will link to all the posts with the specific tag. Example- #game. [Note:- Don't create too many tags, create only if it is important. You can also follow a tag like following a user/question/category] -> Currently Disabled.
    Sorry this feature is disabled since it has some bugs
closed with the note: Not available for now

2 Answers

+5 votes

Let me try this @Platinum how are ya Cheeky Chops ?

Now that's a Cool feature just like FB 

+5 votes
Oh that's cool:)
Sorry, I don't see the point.

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