+4 votes
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Learn coding basics here > https://learn.grasshopper.app/

5 Answers

+2 votes

Hi Dan, no I do not ... I came along into computers just as it shifted so you could do pretty much everything you wanted without knowing how to code. I even had a website for a while, and did it without code!

+3 votes

No, I don't much get into that stuff but I know when the old man comes around, he's always working on coding for games.

+2 votes

Yes but we use the Unity engine for all of our work. A little different coding but it's easy to learn and use.


+2 votes

Yes, in high school I programmed a computer to play tic-tac-toe using BASIC. Then I programmed it to play "Battleships". That was more complicated... required several hundred lines of code, if I remember correctly.

Haven't really used it since, except occasionally in math or physics courses in college to solve equations iteratively.

+3 votes

I learntvthe basic HTML and CSS to create my website and Turbo Pascal in middle school. I do not remember Pascal because I learnt them 13-14 years ago and did not work with it.

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