+5 votes
in Society & Culture by


5 Answers

+3 votes

Is all that money in US Petrodollars, sirfurryanimal, the so-called world reserve currency?

Because if it is, then I would buy the US Congress, outbidding the corporations who already own them, so I could do illegal and corrupt things and everybody would just smile nod their heads saying, "Oh that's good business!"

Then I would pull a surprise about-face on them, and go get economist Michael Hudson and set our US economy on a value-based foundation of good wages for fair work. Then I would get rid of the petrodollar and bring in gold-backed currency again.

Do you think you might give me eight days to accomplish all this instead of just one week? :D

+5 votes

I would create my private school system with colleges, elementary and secondary schools.

+4 votes

About the same as I do now.

+3 votes

Probably just buy a bit more stock. Don't really need a lot of money here.

+2 votes

Buy every stock in the NY Stock Exchange and retire. :)

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