+4 votes
in Toys by

3 Answers

+3 votes

Must have been in Wales... :D



+3 votes

Well I was worried the (rather clumsy) sheep would fall OFF the trampoline -- but it looks as if Dad has sunken the trampoline down to ground level?

Enhanced safety for both sheep and children!


I was waiting for the sheep to learn to do repeated bounces, not just one at a time. :ermm:


...so I went to the link, to see if there is a followup with the sheep repeating bounces...not yet, but since April 18 when this was posted, the sheep has garnered 1.8 million views! ...along with some delightful comments...

"I’d like to think that when the sheep is walking about the pastures, she fondly remembers her time bouncing on the trampoline, and perhaps longs to be back."

"Next: Sheep unlocks secrets of the universe."

"I knew going on YouTube at 3am would help me sleep, how many times did it jump before you fell asleep?"

"The fact that the sheep understands play is an extraordinary thing. These animals that we stick in a field are a lot smarter than we think. "

"Trailer: Sheep, The Awakening: Not just another sheep trick........"

"This is fake. The trampoline is a paid actor."

+2 votes

Can't decide which I love more .... the sheep or the child's delighted laughter.  The combo made my morning! :D<3

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