+5 votes
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Two black girls from Eastern Africa found me on penpals.phk.at 9 months ago. A girl from Uganda communicate every day with me and wants marriage with me. I had many phone calls and sexting with her. She seems real and does not request money like my previous fictional girlfriends. The second girl is from Tanzania does not communicate with me often because of her school obligation. She has 20 years. She also does not request money and is not suspicious.

5 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

Might be best to set up a meeting somewhere half between and talk to them face to face. Then you'll know what's real and whether to move on in a relationship.


I am planning a meeting.

+3 votes
Try video chatting,

At 20:05 of the first clip, fetish priestess Nana Agradaa explains how she scams the scammers.  :D

I did it many times.

At 14:15 of the second clip, the woman said "no one buys me the drink" I feel sad for the woman.
+4 votes

I’d be a little suspicious..

+3 votes

I would also be cautious. Sometimes people use marriage as an easy means to enter the EU or the US, into which they may wish to immigrate.


A girl from Uganda wants to work in another country. She wants sex with me.


There was a girl from Uganda with daughter who wanted to live in another country. She needed a husband for that. I mentioned sex once and she was angry. I do not want a woman who wants only money without having sex with me. 

+3 votes

Hi Kninjanin! Hope this all works out well...I have very much appreciated all my online friends. A special quality of poignancy for me, as it is unlikely I will ever meet any of them in person...but sounds like you might meet one or more of the lady friends!

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